Sunday, January 26, 2020

Comparison of Post War Poetry

Comparison of Post War Poetry Write an essay comparing John Agards, ‘In Times of Peace, and Fred DAguiars, ‘War on Terror: The post-war Caribbean Diaspora, and its attending aesthetic rise in poetics, is rooted in a celebration of paradox in the disorientation and anxiety of a conflicted cultural identity, and consequentially, the self-examination and inspection it provokes. John Agard and Fred dAguiar are no exception as both are of Guyanese origin, and both find themselves exploring the present in Britain, a present submerged in social and political turbulence to which the war in Afghanistan is inextricably linked. We find ourselves in a divided Age, wherein troubadours and poets no longer scribble from a faraway trench nor enlist at all, but instead fight in a socio-political arena against seemingly endless cavalries of disillusionment and bureaucratic control. The stanzaic Rebel-Yell is, today, battling alienation on a pseudo-home front orchestrated by vast and impersonal forces, and as a result Fred dAguiars proclamation, that â€Å"home is always elsewhere†, speaks volumes for our current c ondition. Agard and dAguiar, poets capable of fusing deep imagination with cultural and political realities, seem at once relevant voices in their potential to shed light from a paradoxical insider-and-outsider perspective. Traditionally, Agard and dAguiar have displayed firm grasps on iconoclastic satire and political criticism. Their poems, ‘In Times of Peace and ‘War on Terror, respectively, stay true to this tradition while sharing many other themes including; the psychological impact of modern warfare, dislocation, ambiguity, transience, and more. For every similarity however, there are differences, most profoundly in tone. Where ‘War on Terror is overwhelmingly elegiac with overtones of nostalgic resignation, ‘In Times of Peace seems defiant and provocative. Through these and other varied vehicles, the poems arrive with the same didactic intention of moving us into a vital awareness and inquisitiveness. Even at a first glance, the structural differences between the two poems are as striking as they are reflective, in that we are faced with the juxtaposition of dAguiars aesthetic minimalism and Agards erudite precision. In ‘War on Terror, the total exclusion of punctuation acts out the role of persistent catalyst for interpretation. The lack of direction created, while being profoundly symbolic of the convoluted war itself, also provokes an active readership in which the audience is forced into subjectively expressing the framework of the poem. This provocative absence almost constructs a dialogue between reader and poet, a poetic conversation and revelation free of political rhetoric but instead promoting personal understanding and endless possibilities for expression. Along with this understanding though, extreme ambiguity the ‘fog of war is ever-present and is only accentuated by the final non-conclusion. The fact that the last line is left open-ended leaves an after -taste of â€Å"nightmare†2 discomfort, wherein the ambiguously prosperous war remains unanswered for and closure is left unfound; thus this purposeful omission aims for a metaphorical rereading and search for answers. In contrast, John Agards deliberate inclusion of question-marks as the only punctuation lends to a more direct approach whereby he automatically denies any degree of finality or certainty, but in its place offers us the right questions. This careful placement, in conjunction with an apocalyptic ‘falling trochaic metre, draws attention to the gravity of the questions being asked, or the questions that should be asked and answered. Tension seems to rise as ‘In Times of Peace progresses along a series of internal-rhymes, with each quatrain growing closer to a complete Canzone verse a relatively archaic form traditionally reserved for the tragic, comic or elegiac in subject; and is therefore not out of place here. In this way, as the rigidity of Agards confrontation symbolises the homogenous production-lines of Capitalist war, dAguiars free-verse compliments the lack of punctuation in projecting a disquieting awareness of entropy3. Both poems display a deviant anaphora, with equally significant effects. In ‘War on Terror the repetition of â€Å"as long as†2, and more consistently, â€Å"long†2, serves both to provide changing states of time and perspective, and to emphasize the severity of the paradoxical â€Å"shorter†2 in the final stanza. The theme of Time and transience is abundant throughout, with the first and second stanzas introducing a conceit paradox that will be elaborated upon gradually until echoing indefinitely in the open-ended stanzaic non-conclusion. Before doing so however, the somewhat surrealistic inclinations of â€Å"paint behind the eyeballs†2 and plethora of functioning tropes succeed in defamiliarizing the reader from the mass-media-desensitization to ongoing war, so to give way to the abrupt and dire realities where â€Å"nightmares paint†2 Post Traumatic Stress disorders and the next generation dies for todays conflict â€Å"in their sleepâ₠¬ 2. The sense of time and relative transience is propelled by the changing metaphors and perspectives of short long, of â€Å"as long as a piece of string†2 contradicted by â€Å"no longer than a piece of string†2, of â€Å"as long as nightmares†2 juxtaposed with the evanescence of â€Å"paint†2. Mutually, ‘In Times of Peace uses the complexities of Time within the words, â€Å"begin†, â€Å"all there is†, â€Å"wilting†1, and urgent questioning of â€Å"are eyes ready†1, to create a sense of immediacy. Anaphora in Agards poem comes in the form of quantifiers and adverbs (â€Å"that†, â€Å"how†, â€Å"when†1) at the beginning of lines, enabling continuity of the inquisition. Figurative use of grammar is likewise found in dAguiars elegy as, in the final stanza, possessive pronouns of â€Å"this†, â€Å"our† and â€Å"their†2 are wielded to illustrate identity and allegiance â €Å"this war in this time under this government†2 not only projects a feeling of detachment and sterile anonymity, but the inclusion of â€Å"under†2 proposes a deeper anomie, oppression and inhumanity. Contrastingly, â€Å"our children†2 evokes a possessive responsibility just as, â€Å"their sleep†2 exemplifies a human right to self-ownership (of fate). The theme of inhumanity, or even sub-humanity, is moreover exposed when the only alliteration, a signpost for natural fluency and regularity, can be found in the nostalgic â€Å"tamarind tree† and â€Å"child crying†2. Furthermore, the incongruous imagery of â€Å"radar† and â€Å"whale†2 is rooted in irony, subjectively interpreted as a comparison between the natural purity of the whale, and the disturbing ‘new nature of technological man. This metaphor finds its feet most dramatically in Agards commentary, where the conceit metaphor throughout is that of modern-man cha nging or devolving into something unrecognisable. Via anatomical referencing of â€Å"finger†, â€Å"skin†, â€Å"feet†, â€Å"bodies†, â€Å"hearts†, â€Å"human arms†, â€Å"ears†, and â€Å"eyes†1, Agard contemplates the long-term impact of cross-generational war on human nature4. The alliteration of â€Å"at home in heavy boots†1 brings us to question whether the nature of modern humanity is rooted and reliant on war, leading onto our â€Å"stepping over bodies†1 to draw attention to ruthless Capitalist careerism, and finally questioning how we will â€Å"cope with a bubble bath†1 and whether terminal damage has been done and the notion of ‘peace is no longer relevant, but has been reduced to obscurity, to theory and vagrant optimism. Alliteration is present again in the orality of â€Å"bullets blood†1, but as if awakening in a violent realisation the fluency is halted abruptly by the line -ending â€Å"rush†1. These dystopian visions remain central to the satirical and sceptical comparisons of index fingers with â€Å"skin†, â€Å"feet† with â€Å"foam†, â€Å"arms† with the ironic â€Å"death of weapons†, and â€Å"ears† with the romantically-natural imagery of â€Å"wings†1. Considering these interpretations, the audience can find echoes of Rousseauian6 humanism in both Agard and dAguiars outlook on an anaemic mechanised society. Within our psychological black comedy, our â€Å"Parade Sauvage†7, refuge can be found in the rarity that is the autonomous realm of poetry no social compromise is offered, no empty promise, but in their places stands a state of rare human equality and mutual exploration. John Agards ‘In Times of Peace bares the ugly reality of our ‘evolution into the modern Prometheus by veiling serious musings, of the notion of Peace as a still-tangible possibility or a faded and fellatious mirage, with a darkly comical satire. Fred dAguiars ‘War on Terror, a title made metaphorical by its origins in mass-media and governmental reasoning, reflects upon the long-term consequences of war and leaves, open-ended, the prospect of a predetermined and doomstruck fate for our next generation of children. Appendix: Notes: 1. From focus text, John Agards ‘In Times of Peace 2. From focus text, Fred dAguiars ‘War on Terror 3. The focus poems both mirror each other in a stanzaic capacity for debate, with ‘In Times of Peace separated into three thematic sections of ‘War vs. Civilian Life (first and second stanzas), ‘War vs. Love and Soul (third stanza), and ‘Traditional Nature vs. New Human Nature (fourth and fifth stanzas). Fred dAguiars ‘War on Terror can be stanzaically split into two balanced faces of paradoxical Time, ‘the Indefinite (first and second couplets) and ‘the Definite (fourth and fifth couplets). 4. â€Å"The number of former servicemen in prison or on probation or parole is now more than double the total British deployment in Afghanistan†, and an â€Å"Estimated 20,000 veterans are in the criminal justice system, with 8,500 behind bars, almost 1 in 10 of the prison population†. Travis, Alan, ‘Revealed: The Hidden Army in UK Prisons, The Guardian, 25 September 2009, p.1. 5. Roberts, Neil, A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2001) pg. 583. 6. Rousseau, J.J, The Social Contract (London: Penguin Group, 1968). 7. Rimbaud, Arthur, Complete Works Selected Letters, Bilingual edn (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2005) pp. 314-317. Bibliography: Silkin, John, The Life of Metrical and Free Verse in Twentieth-Century Poetry (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997). Roberts, Neil, A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2001). Lennard, John, The Poetry Handbook, 2nd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005). Rousseau, J.J, The Social Contract (London: Penguin Group, 1968). Focus Text: Approaching Poetry U67010 Module Handbook Semester 1, 2009-10: Agard, John, ‘In Times of Peace DAguiar, Fred, ‘War on Terror

Saturday, January 18, 2020

How ICT effects a person with special needs Essay

All of these Keystrokes will save Paddy the hassle of going to the icons by using the mouse, which he can hardly see anyway. But, there is a problem the Keystroke commands. That is that they differ between each software package and if you learn one set of Keystrokes for, say Supernova, on computers in one department, and then you will have to learn a completely different one for Zoomtext, a different magnifier and Keystroke package, and it can result in a lot of confusion and frustration. There is also a piece of software that allows Paddy to talk into a microphone connected to the computer and it writes out what he says. A few years ago things like this would have been very unreliable and it would have resulted in him having to repeat a lot of words just to get a sentence complete. But now days they are very reliable once you have ‘worn them in’ and used them enough to get your voice recognised. This can take a long time and will result a lot of mistakes in work at first, but all in all they will become very, very useful in the future. As well as using computers to do work, Paddy also uses it to talk to his friends in the Royal National College for the Blind internally and also talk to people outside the college. To do this he uses Windows Messenger (or MSN Messenger to most), which is favoured by the students at the college because it has the ability to speak to friends directly without having to type. This means he can talk faster and be more precise. Although, the screen for msn is a lot smaller than other screens so it may be hard to read who is online and whom you are talking to. It is also mainly comprises of colour and images, and if the colours are reversed, then it may be too dark and Paddy may be unable to see it on the screen. Computers are not the only technology that has features, which enables blind and partially sighted people to use them. There are many household appliances that Paddy uses such as talking microwave ovens and cookers, which are very useful. As well as it being a fire hazard using a cooking appliance whilst unable to see what is being pressed, it also means that Paddy will be able to cook his own food and not relying on someone else to do things for him. But it is not only the only thing that limits his ability to cook and eat food. Many different foods come in similar or even the same shapes and sizes as one another, so for a blind or partially sighted person it could be almost impossible for them to distinguish between, say, dog food and beans. This is where Paddy would use mini magnifiers, which allow he to magnify the text in a small area, like a packet of food, and he’ll know what he has in his hand. It is compact so it could be taken anywhere with him, such as when he wants to read a bus timetable, or shopping in a supermarket. It is also relatively cheap, as all it really is a piece of magnifying glass and a casing. Not that he would be able to take it home, but there are magnifiers available in a larger size known as a CCTV. These are like the small magnifiers mentioned, but are a lot larger and will enable you to read a much bigger area. This can be used to read letters (as most blind people have to rely on others to read things to them such as confidential letters and even bank statements) and newspapers. They can also be linked up to a computer to magnify a piece of text and show it on screen, and at the Royal National College for the Blind Eye-Tech Exhibition they have CCTV’s where half the screen is what is magnified and the other half is what it being typed. This allows people like Paddy to, if they are copying something from a book, to do so without turning their head or having to go over it with a smaller magnifier. As well as college, Paddy has a social life with both friends and family. So, he bought himself a mobile phone. But he could not get just any mobile phone, because some of the new phones are almost impossible to use if you cannot properly see the key. A lot of the newer mobiles are made to be smaller so because of this the keys are getting flatter. Paddy bought himself a Motorola mobile phone like the one on the right. He chose this phone because of a few features on it that would make it a lot easier to use. He obviously cannot read texts, but that wasn’t a problem because he couldn’t write them easier. It has big keys, which as well as being easy to see, are easier to type with when typing in phone numbers. It also ha a feature a bit like a computer key board called hotkeys, where you simply hold a certain button and it rings a number. The phone has a built in radio so he does not have to get a compact radio which usually has small buttons which are impossible for Paddy to press. And the phone has voice dialling, which is what it says it is; you talk into the phone and it dials the person that you said. Firstly, you have to record the tag for each person, but once you’ve done it, the voice dialling would be very useful to Paddy when dialling his friends and family. There are speaking phones, though, but these can cost at least i 200, so the cost outweighs the benefits of it. Paddy, as some may think, is not just someone who lazes around the home, he is a very fit person. He evens works and trains in the Royal National College for the Blind gymnasium. In the gym, there are many specially adapted pieces of equipment that allows Paddy and others to use the gym as any others would. There are talking watches, talking stopwatches and even talking Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Monitors. These will let the people at the Royal National College for the Blind to use the gym as well, and sometimes better, than people in other gyms. The college even lets people come to the gym where they can be given a health and fitness assessment by a blind person. All of this technology means that a blind or partially sighted person is able to do everything someone with perfect sight. They can, in some circumstances, do it better. All they need is a bit of help to do it, and as technology evolves for you and I, it also evolves for those who have disabilities both physically and mentally.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

New Step by Step Roadmap for Comparison and Contrast Essay Samples Pdf

New Step by Step Roadmap for Comparison and Contrast Essay Samples Pdf What About Comparison and Contrast Essay Samples Pdf? Essay outline acts as a spine for writing essays. Then you must learn how you can better your essay to achieve your tutors standards. Essay outlines shows you that even if you're not an expert writer, it is still possible to make a great essay. Don't be afraid to speak to our Essay Writing Service and skilled essay writers will gladly aid you with your assignment. Basically, the sections of an essay proved just 3 divisions. What's a comparison essay. It is one of them. To be able to compose a stellar comparative essay you've got to start off by picking. Nonetheless, the top-notch writers who are a part of the Elite Essay Writers team have an increased potential of supplying you with a high-quality paper. You also know how to come across sources and the ideal kind to utilize in your paper to ensure it is relevant and interesting. The crucial point to a prosperous essay is having the ideal structure. The group of skilled essay writers is always prepared to aid you with that in no moment! If you compose an essay with no external aid, you might wind up stressed, and you may shed plenty of time. On-line assistance from expert writers will help you save you a plenty of time. Just utilize whatever you can remember from the subject you're working with. The first thing which you have to do before you get started writing is to pick an accept able topic to write about. Gossip, Deception and Comparison and Contrast Essay Samples Pdf Again, compare and contrast essays can cover just about any topic and might pop up in a number of subject areas. You simply need to order a superior essay from experts with the greatest academic degrees in a number of fields. You might also be assigned with writing about many other distinct topics. You see it is an unusual topic that might be quite tough to imagine or explain, but some students might just turn that topic into a masterpiece. You may discover that you're assigned to compose a cause and effect essay for a writing class, but you could also encounter cause and effect assignments in different disciplines. Once it's discovered your work was plagiarized, not only will you almost certainly fail that distinct essay but you might experience more repercussions affecting your upcoming education as well as. Students who excel in writing about such complex topic could have an opportu nity to be enrolled into a number of the very best Art universities to come up with their abilities and talent. The Key to Successful Comparison and Contrast Essay Samples Pdf If you are thinking about how to begin a compare and contrast essay or simply want to understand how to write one well, first you ought to comprehend its objective. With essay outline, essays will stop writer to get off topic or jumping from 1 argument to a different argument that doesn't relate with what it is you are discussing. A strong essay is going to have an opening paragraph that comes with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph. Cause and effect essay have many sub-types. A cause and effect essay is the sort of paper that the writer is using to analyze the causes and effects of a certain action or event. When it can be simpler to write on a well-known topic, with a little bit of research and organization, a writer can make an essay on a number of subject areas if assigned. Some essays might only speak about similarities, though others might only speak about differences. For instance, you may assist the reader see a meaningful connection between both subjects. It is going to be quite easy to locate the differences but the similarities are a lot more difficult to find. If you are going to write a comparative essay, you want to get a notion of the impacts of unique aspects to the result that you might get at the conclusion of the writing activity. Or it may be an introduction, then the similarities between the 2 subjects, the differences between both subjects, and a conclusion. Your structure can fluctuate widely.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Anti Bullying Programs And Schools - 1302 Words

In the past ten years there has been an increased stress on schools to recognize bullying an issue. Some schools are implementing anti-bullying programs and schools are hoping the programs will be effective. Schools, teachers, staff, students and parents need to realize that bullying is not going to go away over night, but each program students learn will help them become more accepting and empathetic. Anti-bullying programs are effective in schools and give students lessons they will reference to their whole lives. Bullying in the United States has become epidemic, but some schools are resistant to instill anti-bullying programs, because they fear the program will be ineffective. The article, Creating An Anti-Bullying Culture In Secondary Schools: Characterists to Consider When Constructing Appropriate Anti-Bullying Programs, researchers Joseph R. Jones, and Sharon Murphy Augustine address the issue of bullying head on. Research indicates that students who are from a low socioeconomic background, students who are racially diverse, students who have a learning disability, and student’s sexual orientation has the largest effect on bullying rates in the United States (Jones Augustine, pp. 74-76). In a recent survey, twenty five percent of students reported that they are bullied on a daily basis and that cyber bullying is at an all time high (Jones Augustine, p. 74). Due to the increased rates of bullying, there is an increase on teen suicide and school shootings. (JonesShow MoreRelatedScho ol Anti Bullying Programs Are Not Effective Enough At Preventing Bullying1109 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is the unwanted aggressive discrimination that mostly happens in middle school. Children who get bullied are always bullied because of race, religion, physical disability or sexual orientation. Bullies mostly are children who are being abused at home or they are delinquent. 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The problem is many schools do not even realize that bullyingRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Schools1607 Words   |  7 PagesWhile bullying has occurred for many years, anti- bullying programs in schools are having a strict development. Bullying was not an important subject that was paid much attention in schools or classrooms before 1999. When the Columbine and Virginia Tech shooting happened, schools did not have any anti-bullying programs. In 1999, schools started to implement anti-bullying programs like The Espelage Lab and Collaborator and many others. Unfortunately, bullying is still happening in nowadays. BullyingRead MoreBullying Programs For Elementary Schools Essay1281 Words   |  6 Pageshas been a surge of anti-bullying programs that have come out for elementary schools. It is important to inform our youth on exactly what bullying is, strategies for prevention and coping. 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